Friday, June 04, 2010

Japanese Forum

Thoughts and feedback greatly encouraged!

When asked the question, “do you know or can think of other ways previously unexplored where the Gospel could be presented to the Japanese people?”, some of the responses were:

1. Reach the Japanese person’s heart first. The Discovering God in Kanji Characters (DGKC) is more of an information tool which has its place, but in order to capture the Japanese person’s attention, something more personal to touch the heart (as opposed to appealing a person’s mind) would be more beneficial. For example, using a real person’s testimony to precede the tract.

2. Building relationships via home stay parents is an effective way to reach those coming to Canada. Is there a way to equip home stay parents to receive international students (which will include different nationalities?)

3. Most of the Japanese who go back to Japan are lacking spiritual support/ growth/ church they can worship in. They need to understand how to be a Christian-Japanese and how to handle the pressures coming from their own culture while embracing their faith in Jesus Christ.

4. How about a DVD discipleship video series that they can watch that shares: how to grow in your faith, how to go to a traditional funeral and stay true to Jesus, how to explain what following Jesus means to your family who are not believers, etc.

5. Set up a network of support for the Japanese Christians via the internet? For example, Japan has Mixi (which is similar to Facebook). There is a pastor in Japan (Assembly of God) who would text a short Bible verses including his thoughts for a short devotion to people on their cell phones.

6. History of Japan is deeply rooted in Christianity. Can we bring the Good News via the history of Christianity in Japan?

7. Please continue to help me think of ways and means we might distribute a tool like Discovering God in Kanji characters, or if there is a much better tool to develop before this tool?

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